Pakistan Health Parliament

Blogs & News

Our Articles

Clearing the Air: Tackling Air Pollution and its Health Impact in Pakistan

Air pollution has become a growing public health concern in Pakistan, particularly in major cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Faisalabad. This environmental issue poses a significant threat to the...

Safeguarding the Future: Prioritizing Maternal and Child Health in Pakistan

Ensuring the health and well-being of mothers and children is fundamental to building a healthy and prosperous future for any nation. However, in Pakistan, significant challenges remain in achieving...

Social Media: The New Chain of Loneliness & Low-Self Esteem

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing the way we connect and communicate. In Pakistan, like in many other countries, the influence of social media on daily life is...

Combating Quackery in Pakistan: A Telemedicine Solution

Introduction Quackery, the practice of unlicensed individuals providing medical services without proper qualifications, is a persistent issue in Pakistan’s healthcare system. This pervasive...

The Silent Crisis: Young Women’s Diet Choices Fueling Stunted Growth and Acute Malnutrition

This article signifies the importance of a balanced nutrition in women. This highlights the stats, risk factors, associated with malnutrition in women and ways to address malnutrition challenges in...